Increase in death rate due to tetanus in Sindh

 During 2022, the death rate of newborn and older children due to tetanus has increased in Nadh.

During 2022, 44 children have died of tetanus in Sindh so far.

According to EPI, 99 children under one month of age were affected by tetanus during one year, out of which 28 children could not survive.

According to the data, so far this year, 75 children suffering from tetanus have been brought to the National Institute of Children's Health, of which 38 children aged 2 to 7 years and 36 children agedPediatricians have expressed concern over tetanus deaths, saying that the main cause of tetanus deaths is lack of vaccination.

Dr. Jamal Raza, a specialist in children's diseases and president of Pakistan Pediatric Association, told Samaa that our routine immunization rate is very low. Factors are also involved as routine immunization rates have been very low in 2020 due to the corona virus. 7 to 13 years were included. . Out of which 16 children died.Dr. Jamal Raza said that due to lack of routine immunization, we are again seeing cases of measles, whooping cough, TB, diphtheria and tetanus. Diphtheria cases have also increased.

He said that the rate of tetanus has increased significantly due to the decrease in the immunization rate, in the ICU of NICH we are seeing three to five older children every month.

Dr. Jamal Raza said that these are children who have not been routinely immunized, obviously now at the age of 10 to 12 years, when these children fall and get injured while playing, the tetanus germs are inside. If left, it causes the dangerous disease of tetanus. Due to which sometimes the child stays on ventilator for fifteen days and sometimes even dies.He said that even if the routine immunization of the children has been done, in case of falling and getting injured, the wound should be cleaned thoroughly and a tetanus booster should be applied. Not to be added.

Dr. Jamal Raza said that neonatal tetanus is also a big problem, therefore vaccination of the mother is necessary. The mother is given two doses during the first pregnancy, after which a booster will be given every year or every pregnancy so that five doses are given. Once a course of tetanus toxoid is administered to the mother, it is the only vaccine that provides 100 percent protection.He said that in our homes, children are born and after birth, if the umbilical cord or cord is cut with sterile scissors or blade, it results in neonatal tetanus sepsis and after cutting the cord, it is dirty. It is tied with a cloth or a rope through which the germs enter the body, or a head is applied on the nad.

The cord should always be cut with sterilized instruments and a chlorizodine solution applied to the cord to protect it from neonatal amylal sepsis.

Dr Jamal Raza said that the vaccination rate in Sindh is 65%, our routine immunization rate is very low and should be at least 90%.

